Tips and useful links for charities

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How do you scale up your charity’s impact? And whom do you turn to for the support?

Are your passion, belief and identification with your cause the most important aspects of why donors should give to you?

Here are some of our tips and useful links for charities:

  1. Can you articulate clearly what you stand for? This will help you stay focused on what your charity was set up to achieve. It will also tell the story of your work, and its impact, to your supporters, beneficiaries and others.
  2. Are your trustees adequately trained? Trustees are responsible for raising the money you need, spending it wisely, following the law and ensuring charity activities are according to the governing documents at all times.
  3. Do you ask your end-beneficiaries for their feedback on a regular basis? This will help you understand what they require and see how you can best adapt yet stay focused.

For charities

In 2009/2010, individual giving totalled £10.1bn, 37% of the sector’s income. But for the last 20 years, donations as a share of total household spending have remained stagnant at 0.4%.
Charity-Commission-logo-007 How understanding public benefit helps charitiesPublic benefit is an essential part of what it is to be a charity. But it is not just a legal requirement that charities have to meet and that we regulate.
Growing Communities Growing CommunitiesA report from Grant Thornton that shows how charity leaders govern social media globally to thrive online.