Submit a Charity
Would you like your charity to be rated? You can submit your information to us here.
Before you do so, please have a read of the following:
- Our Privacy Policy: This tells you what information we collect and why.
- Our Terms of Use: This tells you about the Terms of Use for our Website and Platform.
- Our Methodology sections: This tells you how we rate, what information we use.
- Our Services section: This tells you what services we provide, and the relevant charges.
What you get from us once you submit the below form:
- Information about next steps within 3 days of submission (have a look at “Opting in to the CC database” here).
- Once we have agreed how to proceed, a thorough review of the data you provide within 10 days.
- Some follow-up questions as relevant.
- Publishing of your data on our Platform and further support as relevant.